Glass no Kamen (Mask of Glass) anime, manga, and live-action Japanese drama series by Miuchi Suzue images and info. Part of a diverse shoujo anime, manga, video gaming, and live-acton Japanese drama website.
Glass no Kamen
Mask of Glass
The "Glass no Kamen" art is distinct, and the story and characters are captivating. Running for over 30 years in the manga magazine Hana to Yume, animated as a TV series in the 70s, an OAV series in the 90s, made into 2 different live-action drama TV series, and adapted as a novel: GnK is one of the leading shoujo classics. The manga is by Miuchi Suzue.

Manga - 41 volumes so far

Glass no Kamen

by Miuchi Suzue

TV Anime - 23 episodes

Glass no Kamen

OAV Anime - 3 episodes

Glass no Kamen

Live-Action - 11 episodes

Glass no Kamen

Live-Action - 12 episodes

Glass no Kamen - Shin

Story Intro

Kitajima Maya is a determined and strong-hearted girl who wants to become an actress. She leaves home to study under mysterious Tsukikage-sensei, who runs a theatre company. Tsukikage has never gotten over the time when, in her youth, she played the lead in her own play and a stage light fell on her - causing her to lose one eye and leaving an ugly scar on her face. She has never allowed anyone to buy the rights to her play, because there is noone who can play the part.... until she meets Maya. She knows that Maya has amazing talent, but needs skill and teaching.

Meanwhile, a young man named Masami, who is working for a company trying to destroy Tsukikage's (and despised by Maya for this), is her secret fan that she has named the Person of the Purple Rose. She performs her best for her devoted unknown fan, cherishing his letters and the purple roses he leaves for her. Masami is not kind to her in person, nor shows his feelings at all - rather, he is the opposite whenever they meet. A reason for this is that he cannot let anyone know how he feels: Maya is 14 and he is an adult.
The additional characters provide an enjoyable element to the series. Talented and sophisticated Ayumi is the primary rival actress, but she is genuinely skilled and wants to excel, so it's too difficult to dislike her. Boyish and cool Rei, a fellow student and good friend to Maya, reminds me of Takarazuka actresses. Friendly Sakurakouji-kun is a young man who likes Maya, but Maya doesn't know in what way she likes him back. He's so nice, but she feels something special for her Person of the Purple Rose!
The story is a romance and coming-of-age story at heart, as well as Maya and co.'s life experiences in performing on stage and screen. The show is realistic in portraying the troubles, obstacles, work, devotion, and everything that goes on behind the curtains.
What really gets to me about the show is the acting. Maya's solo performance in a competition is so good that it really seems like an invisible someone is in the room with her.
I was really amazed at that scene because it felt as if she was acting very well, even though she's in actuality drawings combined with a seiyuu. I haven't seen anything else like it before. I've seen very life-like anime characters (of course many who can move more realistically than Maya because of the time GnK was animated), but somehow this seemed different because she was acting in a life-like way. Making a character seem like a real person is amazing in itself, but making them seem like a real person who is acting as someone else strikes me as more difficult.
Originally I liked the TV series much better than the OAVs, because Maya has a different voice actress in each. The voice in the OAVs is more childish, not the same pretty feminine speech as in the TV series. In the TV anime she sounds more mature and classy. However, on rewatching the OAVs I do really love them too! The character design is modernized, making it ideal for introducing the series as well as being fun for long-time fans.

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Information © copyright by Stephanie
 This page was updated on March 2, 2001 by Stephanie
This page was created on April 8, 2000 by Stephanie